Webinar: Better Behavior Without Punishment with Leading Edge Parenting

Date & Time

Thursday, October 17

6:00pm - 7:30pm PST



Punishments don’t work.

Think about it.

Do you feel close to your spouse when they yell at you or give you the silent treatment? Of course not!

So why do we think that punishing our kids will magically result in them behaving better?

When children are punished, they feel angry, confused, or ashamed. They get mad at their parents, breed mistrust and build emotional distance— plus, don’t learn to take responsibility for their behavior!

Punishments feel terrible to our kids and to us, too!

Many parents tell us that if they don’t punish their kids, they are sending the message that the misbehavior is okay.

But there is a better way.

It’s possible to hold children responsible for their behavior, teach them how to make wiser choices in the future AND build trust and connection— best part, no one has to feel angry, ashamed or bad about themselves!

Join us, Sandi and Melissa Schwartz, for a free masterclass to discover effective, compassionate strategies to guide your children without punishment. It’s possible for you and your children to have a relationship built on empathy and mutual respect without letting them off the hook for bad behavior.

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